KEEPING YOU LEGALLY INFORMED2022-08-08T21:41:13-06:00

What My Husband Bought Me For Christmas


Christmas is over but some gifts keep on giving. Last Christmas, I asked my husband for an important gift. I wanted a dash cam for my vehicle. If you have listened to our podcast entitled, "Why SafeRoads Does Not Make Me Feel Safe," you might be able to guess why. If a person is stopped by a police officer, especially if it is in RCMP territory, chances are that there is an audio and video recording going on the whole time. Many of our clients often express their desire [...]

Miserable Holiday Haiku


Sleigh bells, egg nog and An IRS for Christmas Fa law law Gunn Law The stress of the holidays ramps up exponentially if you get an impaired driving “charge” at the holidays. In Alberta, unless you have been stopped before for impaired driving or there was a bad accident, you likely will not be “charged” criminally if an officer believes you were driving while under the influence of alcohol  You may be breathing a sigh of relief, thinking, “The Christmas spirit is at work here”. Well, although the Christmas [...]

4-Day Work Week


On July 26, 2023 reports started flooding in about the results from the world's largest trial of a four-day workweek. There were 61 UK-based companies that participated and at the end of it, 56 out of the 61 are continuing with it. Only two companies said they definitely were not going to do so while three others were expected to continue but did not confirm it.[1] When Shannon Gunn Emery heard about it on the radio, she was instantly interested. In order to offer top notch services to the public, [...]

Outside the 7-day appeal for the impaired charge? Here is hope!


Getting stopped for a DUI never happens at a good moment. However, sometimes, it happens at a time when you just aren't able to deal with it. Unfortunately, the IRS scheme waits for no one. If you got an Immediate Roadside Sanction for impaired driving (by alcohol or a drug), refusal, or failure to provide samples, you are expected to start your appeal within seven days. If you don't, you will have to make an application to apply for late review. When the SafeRoads regime first came into being, [...]

Family Docket Court: What to expect when you’re expecting (to go to court for the first time)


So you just received an email with a Notice to Attend Family Docket, with a court date and a link, and you have some questions about what is going to happen. Maybe this is the first time you’ve ever been to court, and you don’t have a lawyer. Maybe you want information about what could happen because you filed the Notice to Attend Family Docket. Here are some answers to some common questions people have about the process: I was sent an email, but I wasn’t served in person [...]

What is so great about unbundled services?


The answer is - lots! But we need to start at the beginning. What does it mean when a lawyer says that they offer unbundled services? In the traditional model, the client hires the lawyer who then normally looks after the client's legal issues from beginning to end. It is expected that the lawyer will look after all aspects that are related to the original reason why the client hired the lawyer in the first place. For example, if a client is charged with a criminal offense, and then the [...]

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Don’t face legal challenges alone. Contact Gunn Law Group today to discuss your legal needs and explore your options. Our team of experienced lawyers is here to provide you with the guidance and representation you require.

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