KEEPING YOU LEGALLY INFORMED2022-08-08T21:41:13-06:00

Impending 1-Year Anniversary of Alberta’s Immediate Roadside Sanction Regime and What 2022 Might Bring


Where has the last year gone?  We are already approaching one year since the legislation on Immediate Roadside Sanctions came into effect in Alberta on December 1, 2020. In our firm’s long history of defending clients against driving-related offences, we got really good at taking impaired driving charges to court.  However, fighting an Immediate Roadside Sanction is different.  We are highlighting here the good, the bad and the ugly when it comes to appeals of the Immediate Roadside Sanction (IRS) appeals, also known as Notice of Administrative Penalty. So, [...]

Family Court Resolutions Still Going Ahead During Pandemic


The past year and a half has brought in its share of problems for court-going lawyers.  In our criminal practice we have had to put off numerous trials and court appearances because of court closures due to COVID 19.  However, despite the absence of Chambers sitting in family court, resolutions between parties have been going ahead, perhaps even in a more productive way.  With the various orders to self-isolate and refrain from in-person meetings, our resolution discussions have had to go virtual. Prior to the pandemic, parties in a [...]

New Impaired Driving Laws in Alberta for 2020


Have you heard about the new impaired driving laws in Alberta? Are you confused? You’re not the only ones! Hi, I’m Shannon Gunn Emery, one of the lawyers with Gunn Law in Alberta, and we are here to help you with everything impaired driving related. If you were charged… “charged”, after December 1st, 2020 you may have a lot of questions! You aren’t actually “charged” but you are really “accused”. And you’re accused in a very unpleasant way, in that, unless you successfully appeal that immediate roadside sanction that [...]

Future of the Law on Impaired Driving in Alberta


On June 4, the Alberta government announced that it intends to dramatically change the laws on impaired driving in Alberta. If passed, the new laws would take effect towards the end of this year. Many clients have been calling and wondering if the new law might affect their outstanding charges. It won't. The new law will, however, have a dramatic effect on those stopped and investigated for impaired driving in the new year. There is much in the proposed legislation to make a defence lawyer shiver. Make no mistake! [...]

An Update on how COVID 19 is Affecting the Court


COVID 19 continues to affect Criminal and Family Law proceedings, as well as Traffic Court.  Gunn Law’s team of Family, Criminal and Impaired Driving Lawyers are monitoring the situation closely and are always ready to help you through whatever your facing. Here are updates on how it is affecting the various courts in Alberta, Northwest Territories and Yukon Criminal In Alberta Provincial Court, if the matter does not fall under a category of an essential function, any dates currently scheduled for court between now and July 3, 2020 [...]

Alberta Administrative Licences Suspension (AALS) How it Works


Your Alberta Administrative Licences Suspension (AALS) – How it Works If you were arrested and charged with impaired driving, driving with a blood alcohol content over the legal limit, or refusal to provide a breath sample, you were likely served with a document called “Notice of Suspension/Disqualification.” This document is given to you to inform you that, unfortunately, you are suspended from driving in Alberta. This suspension is called the Alberta Administrative License Suspension, or AALS. The AALS suspension lasts for a total of 15 months, and is divided into [...]

Consult a Gunn Lawyer to Explore Your Legal Options

Don’t face legal challenges alone. Contact Gunn Law Group today to discuss your legal needs and explore your options. Our team of experienced lawyers is here to provide you with the guidance and representation you require.

Call Us at (780) 488-4460

Your future deserves the expertise and dedication of Gunn Law Group. Let us help you navigate through whatever legal challenges you are facing.

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